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Mid-State Program Referral

School District Information

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Schools within Mid-State Education District are able to access alternative special education placements and programming when it is appropriate so a student may benefit more fully from their Special Education Planning. When the mainstream school has exhausted all local resources in the less restrictive school settings, students may be placed into programs with increased levels of support and services provided by Mid-State Education District. 


Prior to considering a change of placement, IEP teams must ensure all intervention efforts have been exhausted. The team must ensure that the student has received specially designed instruction that is sufficiently intensive and targeted so as to mitigate challenging behavior and build adaptive coping strategies and skills. Students must have function-based PBSPs in place and be receiving the maximum amount of special education services and support within their mainstream school district. Local districts must document the supports, interventions, and services provided to students in an attempt to serve them successfully within a less restrictive environment prior to submitting a referral for a more restrictive setting.


The Setting IV Referral Manual below includes the process, timelines, and outlines the responsibilities of both mainstream school and setting IV personnel for such referrals and transitions. 

Referral for Increased Level of Services 


School Team meets to discuss concerns, review and explore possible interventions.


Intervention data is collected and progress review meeting is held. 


Intervention plan is adjusted and trialed again if no progress is observed. 


IEP team meeting is held to review data/progress and discuss a setting IV referral.


Home district completes referral. Documents are reviewed and an intake meeting is held.

Open Enrollment & Setting IV Transfers


Family completes school district enrollment forms.


Complete MSED Referral Form in collaboration with parent/guardian and previous school. 


District requests records & Sped Forms file. Ensure contact info is updated in Sped Forms.


Referring District forwards all forms & documents to



Mid-State arranges an intake meeting and tour in colaboration with the family & referring district.

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